Did you just get your lips filled and now have bruising, swelling and you don’t know what to do?

Let me help you! 

I’ve spent more than a decade 1. Getting my lips filled  and 2. Helping women just like you who just had theirs injected get through the healing process. 

I’ve put together this handy checklist to help you have those beautiful juicy lips you desire. 

Read number 6 because that's going to  help you heal the fastest! 

  1. Ice your lips before the procedure (that's a trick I’ve been doing for years!) What do I mean? I mean when you are sitting in the chair waiting for your injector to walk in, keep an ice pack to your lips till they feel numb. Of course make sure your lips are not blue and they don’t get frostbite and make sure you ask your provider if they are okay with this. 

  2. Ice your lips after your injections. Ice on and off for at least the remainder of the day. This is to help the swelling go down.

  3. SLEEP WITH YOUR HEAD ELEVATED! I learned this the hard way when I got my lips done for the very first time the day before Thanksgiving and woke up Thanksgiving day with my top lip the size of Texas and all my family coming over. DON’T BE A MAVI and just sleep with your head elevated.

  4. Do not apply any lipstick on your freshly injected lips! You do not want anything sticky or full of chemicals going on your freshly plumped lips.

  5. If you feel any bumps or knots make sure you talk to your provider about massaging the lips. Most injectors will want you to massage however some do not so make sure you check with them! 

  1. USE BRUISE JUICE!  Bruise Juice is formulated with all natural ingredients that speed up the healing process and help bruises and swelling dissolve 3-5 days faster! 

             It has an easy applicator and antimicrobial properties to keep your lips clean and looking beautiful! 

I have had my lips injected by very skilled plastic surgeons and nurse injectors and no matter who did it or if they used a cannula to reduce the bruising I ALWAYS BRUISE ON MY LIPS WHEN I GET THEM INJECTED! 



So, for the last decade I’ve had to plan having my lips done when I could lay low for a week or two but with life moving faster for me I found I do not have time to hide!

I need the bruises gone and I need them gone FAST!


Who has time to hide? No one and that is why I created BRUISE JUICE! 

I wanted a clean product I could apply to protect my freshly injected sensitive and tender lips while also speeding up the healing process from my lip filler injections. 

Bruise Juice is formulated with all natural ingredients that speed up the healing process and help bruises and swelling dissolve 3-5 days faster! 

It has an easy applicator and has antimicrobial properties to help keeps

Taking pre-orders AUG 2021
