Financing Your Plastic Surgery: What You Need to Know

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people seek to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, one major concern that arises for many individuals is how to finance plastic surgery. Fortunately, there are various financing options available to make plastic surgery more affordable and accessible. In this blog post, we will explore the key factors you need to know when it comes to financing your plastic surgery.

1. Researching the Costs

Before embarking on any plastic surgery procedure, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the costs involved. The total cost may vary depending on the type of procedure, the surgeon's experience, the location, and other factors. Researching different surgeons and clinics will give you an idea of the average price range for your desired procedure. Keep in mind that prices can differ significantly, so it's important to obtain multiple quotes to make an informed decision. Safety should always be your number 1 concern. If you really like one surgeon, but the plastic surgery is too expensive, consider saving more before going through with it.

2. Insurance Coverage

In most cases, plastic surgery procedures are considered elective and cosmetic, which means they are not typically covered by health insurance. However, there are exceptions when the surgery is deemed medically necessary, such as reconstructive procedures after an accident or to correct a congenital defect. It is crucial to consult with your insurance provider to understand their specific policies and coverage options.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), in 2019, approximately 1.8 million reconstructive plastic surgery procedures were performed in the United States, many of which were covered by insurance. While elective cosmetic procedures are typically not covered, certain surgeries, such as breast reduction and reconstruction, may qualify for coverage if deemed medically necessary.

3. Personal Savings

Using personal savings to finance your plastic surgery is the most straightforward approach. If you have been saving money for a particular goal, such as improving your appearance, this could be the perfect opportunity to put those savings to use. However, it's important to consider the potential impact on your overall financial situation and ensure you still have a safety net in place.

4. Financing Options

  • Medical Credit Cards: Many financial institutions offer specialized credit cards specifically for medical expenses, including plastic surgery. These cards often come with low or no-interest promotional periods, making them an attractive option for short-term financing. However, it is crucial to read the terms and conditions carefully, as high-interest rates can be applied once the promotional period ends.

  • Personal Loans: Another option is to take out a personal loan from a bank or credit union. Personal loans typically offer fixed interest rates and structured repayment plans. It is advisable to compare interest rates and loan terms from different lenders to find the most favorable option for your financial situation.

  • Payment Plans: In a 2019 survey by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), 35% of plastic surgeons offered in-house financing options. These plans often involve breaking down the total cost into manageable monthly installments. Before committing to a payment plan, ensure you fully understand the terms, including any interest charges or fees that may apply.

5. More things to consider

  • Budgeting: Calculate your monthly income and expenses to ensure you can comfortably afford the monthly payments without jeopardizing your financial stability.

  • Credit Score: Be aware that some financing options may require a good credit score. If your credit score is less than ideal, take steps to improve it before seeking financing.

  • Reputation and Credentials: Thoroughly research the plastic surgeon and the financing provider to ensure they have a solid reputation and are trustworthy.


Financing your plastic surgery opens up opportunities for individuals to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. By understanding the costs involved, researching financing options, and considering the potential impact on your finances, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and budget. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your overall financial well-being while pursuing your cosmetic goals.

I am Mavi Rodriguez and your favorite plastic surgery consultant. I can help you find the best financing options for your plastic surgery. We will discuss how to determine if your procedure may be eligible for insurance coverage and provide guidance on navigating the insurance approval process. We'll explore medical loans, personal loans, and credit options such as medical credit cards, and provide tips on comparing interest rates, repayment terms, and other factors to assess the most suitable financing option for your situation. We'll discuss the advantages and potential drawbacks of payment plans, as well as the questions you should ask your surgeon to ensure that the plan fits your budget and financial goals.

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