The Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Plastic Surgery Recovery

The recovery phase plays a vital role in achieving optimal results after your plastic surgery. Alongside rest and post-operative care, nutrition and exercise are two essential factors that greatly contribute to successful plastic surgery recovery. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of nutrition and exercise in promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and maximizing the overall outcome of plastic surgery procedures.

Nutrition after plastic surgery

Proper nutrition is crucial for your plastic surgery recovery. The body requires essential nutrients to repair tissues, fight infections, and accelerate healing. Protein intake is especially important as it aids in the production of collagen, a key component of healthy skin. Including lean sources of protein such as fish, poultry, legumes, and tofu in post-operative meals is highly recommended.

Additionally, vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens promote collagen synthesis and support the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts possess anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in reducing swelling and inflammation post-plastic surgery. The following products are also anti-inflammatory: mushrooms, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts and arugula.

A well-balanced diet consisting of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to support the plastic surgery recovery process. I can’t stress this enough, but stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Do not go into a calorie deficit too soon after surgery, your body will thank you!

Exercise and Plastic Surgery Recovery

The timeline for resuming exercise after plastic surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed, individual healing factors, and the guidance of your plastic surgeon. Always follow your plastic surgeon's specific instructions and recommendations for exercise during the plastic surgery recovery period. Typically, exercise is not recommended immediately after plastic surgery and should be gradually reintroduced as your body heals. When you are at home recovering from your plastic surgery, you will be tired and you will feel uncomfortable. But please, it is important, that you get up once in a while. Get up and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Or when you are in bed resting, start by just wiggling your toes and feet. This will help you prevent blood clotting.

Gentle exercises prescribed by the plastic surgeon or physical therapist can have numerous benefits for plastic surgery patients. Exercise should only be introduced gradually and after obtaining clearance from your plastic surgeon. Engaging in light aerobic activities such as walking improves blood circulation, which aids in delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to the surgical site. This increased blood flow facilitates the removal of toxins and reduces the risk of blood clots. Moreover, regular exercise promotes the production of endorphins, which can enhance mood and overall well-being during the recovery process.

Resistance training, under the guidance of a professional, can be introduced to strengthen specific muscle groups and support the healing process. However, avoid exercises that strain or stretch the surgical area to prevent complications or delayed healing.

Exercise also plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is essential for the long-term success of how to maintain your plastic surgery results. By adopting a regular exercise routine and making healthier lifestyle choices, you can enhance the longevity of your plastic surgery results and enjoy overall improved physical and mental well-being.


In summary, the role of nutrition and exercise in plastic surgery recovery cannot be overstated. A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients coupled with appropriate exercise can accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and optimize the outcomes of plastic surgery procedures. Consulting with healthcare professionals is crucial in developing a personalized plastic surgery recovery plan to ensure a safe and successful plastic surgery journey. Or reach out to me and let’s plan your recovery!


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