How To Prepare For Plastic Surgery?

Preparing for plastic surgery is like setting the stage for a successful performance - it's crucial. Taking the time to get ready physically, mentally, and emotionally contributes to the overall experience and outcome. First off, understanding the procedure and establishing realistic expectations helps in coping with the changes ahead. Preparation isn't just a step; it's a commitment to your well-being and the success of your transformative plastic surgery journey.

1. Achieve a Stable Weight

Maintaining a stable weight is crucial for optimal surgery results. Focus on a balanced diet and regular exercise in the weeks leading up to the surgery. This not only contributes to better outcomes but also facilitates faster healing and recovery.

2. Nutritional Optimization

Prioritize nutrition by incorporating a diet rich in vitamins and proteins. However, be cautious with certain supplements that might increase bleeding. Consult your plastic surgeon for a safe and beneficial nutritional plan tailored to your surgery. Read this blogpost to learn more about nutrition. Meal prep for your recovery, this will save you a lot of hassle!

3. Hydration is Key

Ensure you stay adequately hydrated before plastic surgery. Drinking plenty of water contributes to your body's overall health and primes it for an optimal recovery process.

4. Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol

Smoking and excessive alcohol intake can pose risks to your surgery and hinder the healing process. Smoking constricts blood vessels and reduces oxygen levels in the blood, which can impair the body's ability to heal. This increases the risk of complications during and after plastic surgery, such as delayed wound healing, infections, and tissue damage. Nicotine also has vasoconstrictive effects, which may compromise blood flow to the surgical site, hindering the body's natural healing processes. By stopping smoking, you optimize your body's ability to recover, reduce the risk of complications, and enhance the overall success of the plastic surgery procedure.

Quit smoking entirely and limit alcohol consumption in the weeks leading up to your surgery for a smoother recovery journey.

5. Medication Review

Discuss your current medications with your doctor well before the surgery. Certain medications may need adjustments or temporary discontinuation to ensure a safe surgical process.

6. Prepare Your Recovery Space

  1. Start by creating a designated recovery space, equipped with all the essentials within easy reach.

  2. Stock up on recommended supplies, including ice packs, comfortable clothing, and pillows for elevation.

  3. Arrange your furniture to accommodate any mobility limitations you may have during the initial recovery period.

  4. Additionally, ensure that your home is clean and organized to reduce any potential hazards.

  5. Make sure your fridge is full and stacked with food for your plastic surgery recovery.

  6. Your recovery area should be clean and disinfected. If you have pets, make sure they don´t enter your recovery area.

  7. Order your bruise juice! Click here

7. Arrange for Assistance

Plan for assistance, especially immediately after the surgery. Having someone to help with tasks like driving and heavy lifting is important for a more comfortable and secure recovery.

8. Mental Preparation

Maintain a positive mindset throughout the pre-plastic surgery period. Understanding the recovery timeline and setting realistic expectations will contribute significantly to your overall well-being during this transformative journey. Surround yourself with a supportive network and engage in positive self-talk, as mental readiness is key to a successful plastic surgery journey.

9. Follow Pre-Operative Instructions

Adhere strictly to the pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. This ensures a safe and smooth surgery, setting the foundation for a successful outcome.

The plastic surgery journey is a partnership between you and your medical team. Following these key steps will not only enhance your surgical experience but also contribute to a positive and transformative outcome. Remember, preparation is the key to a successful journey towards the best version of yourself.

10. Listen to my podcast

This one does not need an explanation ;-)


Realistic Expectations in Your Plastic Surgery Journey